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Hotel Dei Cavalieri - Milano Duomo
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Cavallo Hall

120 guests / 200 sq m / 5.28 x 16 x 2.70 m / 1st floor

Spacious and elegant room located on the first floor of the hotel with large windows overlooking Via Albricci. Rectangular in shape and recently renovated in a modern, contemporary style, it is ideal for hosting meetings, training courses as well as lunches, dinners or convivial gatherings.
The room has a video projector and a retractable monitor for transmitting images or presentations as well as a dedicated sound system.

Cavallo Hall 7

Equipment included

  • Screen and video projector
  • Microphones: 2 fixed + 2 frozen + 1 pin
  • Free Wi-Fi connection
  • HDMI/WGA cables

Paying equipment

  • Secure cloakroom
  • Hostess service
  • Audio/video recording
  • Technical assistance
  • Floral decorations
Cavallo Hall 8
Cavallo Hall 9
Cavallo Hall 10


  • Cavallo Hall 14 Banchetto
  • Cavallo Hall 15 Cabaret
  • Cavallo Hall 16 Cocktail
  • 120
  • 60
  • 150

Special prepaid - Not refundable with our rich buffet breakfast includ...

Stay a few steps away from the Duomo Cathedral and the shopping district and start your day with a rich and delicious breakfast
Special prepaid - Not refundable with our rich buffet breakfast included